Hi Shan Shan, Thanks for your sharing! May I have Sandy's number as I sent her and no reply yet? Many thanks! Stella [版主回覆12/06/2010 12:50:00]i have left you a private message in your blog pls check
Hihi Shan Shan, Can u give me sandy wong photo no to me? Because I want to find her to do my mua , thanks so much! My email is mimisandy323@hotmail.com [版主回覆01/07/2011 09:25:00] Sandy's mobile: 9860 3307 Sandy's email and pricelist can be found at the following website http://www.fotop.net/merrymarry/merrymarry50
係??我見有d blog 友搵到佢試粧呀!!
回覆刪除[版主回覆04/01/2010 14:02:00]係囉~我仲未搵到佢呀~
回覆刪除請問可唔可以俾Sandy電話我呀. 我都係急想搵Sandy呀! 因為我得佢e-mail咋!
我E-mail: dotcomwmw@yahoo.com.hk
tks tks
搵人用電話真係最終極既方法黎架啦喎 -_-llll good luck la.
回覆刪除[版主回覆04/03/2010 10:24:00]係lor~~無哂辦法..
我見我有個blog有jm又係搵過sandy wong, 又係打電話同sms都無回應....
回覆刪除[版主回覆04/03/2010 10:26:00]係呀~我連續幾日唔同鐘數打, 都係無人聽~我自己打到都覺得自己煩
回覆刪除Hi, ShanShan~ 收到你既 email 啦, 唔該晒 ^^
回覆刪除Hi Shan Shan, Thanks for your sharing! May I have Sandy's number as I sent her and no reply yet? Many thanks! Stella
回覆刪除[版主回覆12/06/2010 12:50:00]i have left you a private message in your blog
pls check
我已經電郵咗比Sandy好耐但都無回覆,可以給我她的聯絡電話嗎? shirleyho_161@yahoo.com.hk
回覆刪除[版主回覆12/30/2010 23:12:00]留左言係你倘BLOG啦
shanshan! Received your message. Thanks a lot.
回覆刪除Hihi Shan Shan,
回覆刪除Can u give me sandy wong photo no to me? Because I want to find her to do my mua , thanks so much!
My email is mimisandy323@hotmail.com
[版主回覆01/07/2011 09:25:00]
Sandy's mobile: 9860 3307
Sandy's email and pricelist can be found at the following website
Dear shan shan,
回覆刪除i got ur message, thanks so much !